3 min readDec 20, 2020


Recall from yesterday:

It seems like I’m never sure what I did yesterday. For the record, this is for improving my memory by trying to provide as much information as I can about the day before. I try not to use dates to guide me but sometimes that’s all I have to go off on. I remember procrastinating a ton in the morning and getting started relatively late. I recall seeing that I spent around 4 hours on my phone probably on youtube or reddit. It’s so easy to waste all of your time in this digital era. I’m going to try asking guiding questions. What did I eat? I don’t remember clearly but I think my mom made food for me. Oh I remember something, my mom made me a steak.

Today was a fine day. Now I don’t know if I’m going to be able to remember 100 digits of pi by tomorrow, but I’ll give it my best shot. I have most of the PAO system set up. The challenge is to apply the memory palace. I’ve tried a couple time but it was never a whole hearted effort. Perhaps I should try looking into guides and experiences of people who had a hard time.

Oh yeah I can’t believe what Steve Pavlina said about practicing waking up was true. This morning, I got up immediately after practicing once the night before and it wasn’t bad at all! I saved probably 2 hours of my time I want to say. I did take a longer nap later on in the day though. I have to wonder if that’s influencing my sleep pressure at all.

Tomorrow is basically just memorizing some digits. After that, I’m going to be learning to use autohotkey at last. I think I sweeped through a wide range of resources already. Starting from the tutorial is probably the best way to go. After that, maybe I can use some of the ebooks or videos online. The probably is that there are so many resources it’s hard to find out what I want to do.

I’m going to try my hand at the metascripting method. I’m not too clear on exactly what it is, but I think the general idea is I want to prime myself for the crucial moment of decision making as well as analyzing prior moments. For prior today: There was a moment of decision in going off and taking a nap. Next time I need to at least set a timer. I tend to use sleep as an excuse to get off track and it’s not healthy. I can sleep AFTER I finish my work. For tomorrow: Trying to get the PAO system will indeed be a grind but it will also be very worth it in the long run. I need to get experienced with memory systems so I can succeed in dental school later on. I’m exploring these memory techniques as a way to bridge my understanding during active recall. At some point I need to just do it! Think of Mike Boyd, he was able to do it in a day and I had so much time to develop this system. If I can’t do this in a day then that’s a bit sad.

I honestly can’t even it’s already the end of the year. It passed by so fast yet so slow at the same time. These are indeed unique times we’re in.


Just another college student. My current priority is to increase efficiency in all aspects of life so that I have more time to do the things I enjoy.